Vertex color coding

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Revision as of 17:03, 29 November 2019 by WarhorseStudios (talk | contribs)
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We are using vertex color to define 2 types of operation on clothing items and 1 for facial animation purposes:

  • Hiding items which are ocluding first person view (hats, helmets, hoods)
  • Define, which part of item is not hiding any attachments on character (hood tails, open jackets etc.)
  • Define verticies which are updating tangents in realtime (facial animation)

To save all of those information into verticies, each feature has its own channel in vertex color.
To setup and export clothing item or any other geometry binded on our skeleton correctly, you have to follow several rules.

  1. Default vertex color MUST be 255 255 255 in RGB
  2. Hiding geometry occluding players 1st person view is coded in GREEN channel
  3. Define, which part of item is not hiding any attachments on character is coded in RED channel
  4. Realtime tangent update is coded in BLUE channel


Hiding geometry occluding players 1st person view

  • Select verticies which you want to hide and set its color in GREEN channel to 0 (RGB 255 0 255)



Define, which part of item is not hiding any attachments on character

  • Select verticies and set its color in RED channel to 0 (RGB 0 255 255)



Realtime tangent update


  • Select verticies and set its color in BLUE channel to 0 (RGB 255 255 0)




Players head setup

There is need to hide head geomatry and update tangents at the same time. So there is some part of players head which has GREEN and BLUE channel set to 0.

See the result below.