Template:Multi-file Merge Up Procedure-2a

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Revision as of 02:04, 28 November 2016 by Dubiousintent (talk | contribs) (Multi-file Merge Up Procedure: update)
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This procedure is separated into several templates so it may be included in several instances in the article "Multiple-file Merge Up Procedure", with intervening commentary at the various steps.

Programs and Tools


Multi-file Merge Up Procedure

Step 2a.

  • Save all the plugins that had 'masters' added to them (by enabling/selecting the checkbox for each in the 'target' window that pops-up when you attempt to close xEdit).
  • Reload all plugins from Step 1, and check the added 'masters' are in each plugin's "File Header" before proceeding to Step 3.
Failure to perform this step can result in the loss of hours of work in the last step.


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