Screenshots: A basic guideline

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This tutorial/guideline will attempt to aid you in selecting images to include as part of the mod that you upload.

If you want good detail (resolution) in your screenshots, you need to bump up the resolution inside Oblivion to at least 1024x768 and set the graphic textures to Large. This may make your PC chug and run sluggish but it's OK if you're not trying to capture a movie. After the screenshot is done, you can turn down the graphics to a comfy level.

Camera control and shortcuts

  • To toggle between 1st person and 2nd person views, press the R key or click your middle mouse button (usually clicking your scroll wheel).
  • To swing your camera view around your character, press and hold the R key and move your mouse around. This can also be done by click and holding your middle mouse button / scroll wheel. While doing this, you can use your scroll wheel to zoom in closer or further away from your character.
  • To hide the user interface (heads up display, menu and text) so that you only see the environment, press the console key which is called the tilde (~) and type "tm" without the quotes and press ENTER. Then press the console key again and you should be playing without any sort of overlay on the screen. To restore the user interface, simply repeat the same process again to toggle it back on.
  • A quick shortcut to hide the user interface as well as freeze time is to simply press the console key. This can be handy when trying to capture and arrow while in-flight (Example).
  • To unhook the camera from revolving around your character, you can toggle free camera mode with the "tfc" console command. Simply press the console key, type "tfc" without the quotes and press the console key again and you can move the camera around like you would your character except your character remains still. Repeat the sequence to place the camera back on your character. Make sure you are in 3rd person view before toggling or your character will not be fully visible since 1st person mode hides the majority of your character.
  • To save your game at the console, type the following and your savegame will be called "My save game.ess" in your savegame folder:
save "My save game"

Screenshots of characters

Take at least these 4 pictures:

  1. Race screenshot - Press TAB to view the inventory screen and go to the Healthbar tab to show Name, Race, Birthsign, Class and Level. Also position your character close to the screen to get a close frontal headshot.
  2. Strength screenshot - Picture from the side - Press TAB to view the inventory screen and go to the Strength/Willpower/Intelligence screen to show different data. Also position your character close to the screen to get a close side/profile headshot.
  3. External front screenshot - click-and-hold the middle-mouse button which will put you into external view and move the mouse around to the front of your character. Make sure you're in a well-lit area. You can use the mouse button (while depressed) to zoom in and out.
  4. External rear screenshot - Scroll the mouse wheel back until you get to the external view and zoom until you can see the character from head to toe in a well-lit area.

Screenshots of weapons, armor, clothes and all other inventory items

Take at least these 3 pictures:

  1. Inventory screenshot - Press TAB to view the inventory screen and go to the appropriate section (weapons, armor, potions, misc) that displays the names of your items. If Weapons and Armor, make sure your character has them equipped and visible. This shows how you named each item, the menu icon you used, general worth, weight, armor value and how they look equipped on your character.
  2. Ground screenshot - Arrange your items on the ground. This shows the ground mesh and how they look in the world.
  3. Map location screenshot - If applicable, show where to find these items by a picture of the map. Another bonus would be from the viewpoint of somebody taking a picture with a camera such as looking at the storefront while walking up to it. This picture would not be recommended if the location is a secret and revealed only by completing a quest although a picture of where the quest starts on the map may be OK.

Screenshots of buildings

(Not finished, could use some suggestions)

Take at least these ?? pictures:

  1. Overview image - Enter 3rd-person view, Open the console, Type TAI, Type TFC. This will disable the AI, so nobody comes and kills you while you're finding the right angle, and allows the camera to fly around without the player moving. Get a screenshot that includes the entire area. If easily recognizable landmarks are nearby, try to include them in the screenshot to help reference the location. Open the console and type TFC and then type TAI to get everything back the way it was. Close the console.
  2. Each room - Pretty self explanatory. Make sure to display as much of the room as possible and to include any appealing or interesting features. Generally, a picture from the corner of a room works.
  3. Map location - Dont forget to open up the PipBoy and take a screenshot of the building's location (unless it's secret or course). If it is a secret, and you have the time to edit the photo, you could display some possible locations, maybe by distorting the image as 'PipBoy interference'

Screenshots of new lands/landmasses

(Not finished, could use some suggestions)

Take at least these ?? pictures:

  1. Overview image - Enter 3rd-person view, Open the console, Type TAI, Type TFC, close the console. This will disable the AI, so nobody comes and kills you while you're finding the right angle, and allows the camera to fly around without the player moving. Get a screenshot that includes the entire area. If easily recognizable landmarks are nearby, try to include them in the screenshot to help reference the location. Open the console and type TFC and then type TAI to get everything back the way it was. Close the console.
  2.  ?? Each room ??
  3.  ?? Map location ??

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