Fallout 3 Music

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This article will be about the music in Fallout 3, and adding your own music to the game swiftly.

Original Music score

(under construction)

Adding your own

In Fallout 3, it is very easy to add your own music to 97% of the game. (the 3% exception being the Fallout Theme and music played during death/completion of quest. These are however easily replaced)

The Layout

Some of the mods found on the Nexus websites can add their own Music folders, but the four general ones are:

  • Battle
  • Explore
  • Public
  • Dungeon
  • Special


Songs found in this folder are generally more aggressive and will make you whip up the action. Trademark songs from typical Heavy Metal groups can often fit fine for this.


Though Oblivion and Fallout 3 share the same Gamebyro engine, the Finale folder is one of few examples that set them apart. This folder is placed in the Battle folder, and hen combat has ended, the game will look in this folder for a song file with the same name (of the song it has been playing) and with that indicate that combat has ended. Read this article if you want to add your own.