Making an item craftable for Skyrim
This tutorial shows all the main steps you need to follow to make an existing item (armour or weapon)craftable and upgradable for Skyrim.
It doesn't cover how to create a new item. For that you can check this tutorial:
Required tools
- Creation Kit: available on Steam (Menu option View -> Tools and then select Creation Kit)
Making an item craftable for Skyrim
The main steps to make an existing item craftable and upgradable for Skyrim are:
- Selecting a crafting category
- Make a crafting recipe
- Make a tempering recipe
Selecting a crafting category
The first step is to select under which crafting category you want your item to appear: Steel, Leather, Elven, etc. To do that, you have to add a keyword to the item (the Armor object in the case of armour of clothing) that tells the game the category you've selected. In the example covered by this tutorial I've chosen the Studded category, so I've added the keyword ArmorMaterialStudded as shown in picture Keyword for the Studded category. For the Jewelry category the keyword is ArmorJewelry, for the Leather category the keyword is ArmorMaterialLeather, for the Elven category the keyword is ArmorMaterialElven, and so on.
Make a crafting recipe
The crafting recipes are found in the CK under the Constructible Object section. To create a new recipe for your armour or weapon:
- The easiest thing is to look for an existing crafting recipe in game, double click on it to open the screen showing its properties and change the ID of the recipe (the first box at the top left of the screen as shown in picture Crafting recipe). Click on the OK button and CK will ask you if you want to create a new object. Answer yes.
- Note: the CK has a bad habit of showing lots of warning messages. When the first one appears click on the Cancel button and you won't see more of these warnings.
- Open again the sceen showing the crafting recipe you've just created with your own ID and name and modify the values you want:
- Created object: Select from the drop-down list the armour or weapon you want to create with this recipe
- Created object count: Indicates the quantity of the object that is created using this recipe
- Workbech keyword: indicates where the object is crafted with this recipe:
- CraftingSmithingForge: all normal forges.
- CraftingSmithingSkyforge: The Skyforge at Whiterun.
- CraftingTanningRack: all normal tanning racks.
- Required item list: this is the list of items required to create the armour or weapon.
- To delete existing items: Right click on the item and select Delete from the pop up menu.
- To add new items: Right click on the list and select New from the pop up menu. This will add a new entry with the AAAGrantIntLightHurtBrightBounce item (the first of the list). To change this item to the one you want to be used in the recipe, select it and:
- in the Object box: select the item you want to use from the drop-down list.
- in the Count box: enter the quantity of units required.
- Match Conditions: here you can specify what minimum conditions your character must fulfill to be able of crafting the item in the forge, like if a perk is required.
Once you'are done click the OK button and save the changes done to the crafting recipe.
Make a tempering recipe
The tempering recipes are also found in the CK under the Constructible Object section. To create a new tempering recipe for your armour or weapon:
- The easiest thing is to look for an existing tempering recipe in game, double click on it to open the screen showing its properties and change the ID of the recipe (the first box at the top left of the screen as shown in picture Tempering recipe). Click on the OK button and CK will ask you if you want to create a new object. Answer yes.
- Then proceed as you've done for creating the crafting recipe, changing the created object and the required item list.
- Workbech keyword: indicates where the object is upgraded with this recipe:
- CraftingSmithArmourTable: all normal Workbenches.
- CraftingSmithingSharpeningWheel: all normal Gindstones.
- Match Conditions: in the example the condition set is the one that doesn't allow you to improve an enchanted item untill you have the Arcane Blacksmith perk. You can remove this conditions or add any other condition you want to the list.
Once you'are done click the OK button and save the changes done to the tempering recipe.
And finally, save the esp file with your craftable item, activate it and test it in game :)