Basic textures in GIMP: Cloth
This mini guide shows how to create a basic cloth texture in GIMP from scratch.
Required tools
Creating a basic cloth texture
- First of all create a new square image. For this tutorial I've created a 512x512 image, but you can use any size you want.
- Fill the image completely with a grey color. For this tutorial I've used the 8f8f8f color.
- Add noise to the image:
- Select the menu option Filters -> Noise -> RGB Noise.
- A window will pop-up like the one in picture RGB noise window. Uncheck the Independent RGB flag and set a high value in the noise boxes (I've set it to 0.50 but you can try different values)
- Press OK to close the window and wait until GIMP has finished adding the noise to your image.
- Next step is to add motion blur to the image:
- Select the menu option Filters -> Blur -> Motion Blur.
- A window will pop-up like the one in picture Motion blur window. Set the blur type to "Linear", the Angle to 90 an the length to 50 or higher.
- Press OK to close the window and wait until GIMP has finished adding the blur to your image. your image will look now like the one in picture Image after adding blur.
- Duplicate the layer by selecting the menu option Layer -> Duplicate Layer. Now your image has two layers.
- Note: To see and work with the different layers that you have in your image:
- Select the menu option Windows -> Dockable Dialogs -> Layers '
- This will open a window with the layers stack for your image as the one shown in picture Layers stack'
- To work on one of the layers, select the corresponding layer in the stak and then work in GIMP main edition window: all you do (painting, erasing, resizing, etc) will be done on the selected layer.
- To hide/show one of the layers, click on the eye icon at the left of each of the layers in the layer stack.
- Note: To see and work with the different layers that you have in your image:
- Select the new layer you've created by duplicating the first one in the layer stack
- Then select the menu option Layer -> Transform -> Rotate 90º clockwise.
- In the layer stak, set the layer mode to Overlay and set its opacity to 50 as shown in picture Layers stack''
- The last step is to blend the two new layer into the original texture. To do so:
- Select the new layer in the stack
- In the main edition window, select the menu option Layer -> Merge Down
Now your image looks like the one shown in picture Basic Cloth texture. You can add any color to the cloth texture you've created using any of the colour tools blender provides or by adding a new layer, add colour to it and merging it down with the cloth texture.